South West Swim was set up by Jason Tait in 2013 with a mission to get as many people as possible into open water and experience the pleasures it brings. Since that time we have expanded our services to provide swimming pool coaching, video stroke analysis and swimming & triathlon retail via our online store.
The aim of South West Swim is to educate, inspire and improve your swimming to make you the best you can be. For beginners we strive to get you acclimatised to the open water environment (which is VERY different to pool swimming), teach you the safety aspects of swimming open water and improve your stroke and open water skills. For those wishing to improve and compete we strive to make you better through consistent training methods and technical focus on your front crawl stroke and open water skills.
South West Swims coaching is delivered by Jason, a fully qualified ASA Level 2 Teacher and Coach and also a specialist open water coach, holding both ASA and STA Level 2 Open Water Coaching Certifications. Jason is one of the only fully qualified ASA & STA open water coaches in the area and possibly one of only a handful in the UK. Jason is passionate about swimming and is an avid long distance open water swimmer, masters swimmer and triathlete.
Jason is also involved at various levels of the sport outside of South West Swim, he leads and delivers the open water programme for Swindon Dolphin ASC and coaches sessions and advises on coaching for Wiltshire ASA, also sitting on the ASA Wiltshire Open Water Committee, which is responsible for progressing and developing the discipline in the county. He has also contributed swim sets to Finis for publication and was previously a regular blogger for Speedo UK, telling tales of Swimming and triathlon. In 2012 the Tait family won the ASA 2012 family Swim award for the their swimming adventures and fundraising achievements, an award they are very proud to have received.
Our South West Swim Store is also able to advise and provide all the relevant swim & tri kit that you need to improve your swimming and enjoy your swim. We stock Swim and Tri kit from HUUB and Speedo and Technical swimming aids from Finis are available on our website.
Jason and his family also won the ASA 2012 family Swim award for their swimming adventures and fundraising achievements, an award they are very proud to have received.
Other coaches may also work for South West Swim during the season, they will be ASA, STA or BTF qualified and must have specific open water qualifications or relevant open water experience to be part of our team. Open water swimming is different to pool swimming and it is important for us to have coaches with open water experience, to give you the best, safest session possible and also to fulfil insurance demands.
See Jason’s full profile on the Coaches Profiles page