After the hectic period of school holidays the i-swum set is back, as I can get back to the lap pool and swim :).
Todays I-Swim set is designed to work the body posture and position and the front of the stroke, we have also chucked in some speed work and open water skills. For those short of time or wanting a more beginner set reduce the distances as shown in brackets. Enjoy, let me know what you think.
Warm Up
500m (300) Easy swimming as:
100m B3 (breathing every 3)
200m (100m) Pattern Breathing B3, B5, B7, B3……. (repeat pattern)
200m (100m) Pattern Breathing B2, B4 Weakest side, B6, B2……(repeat pattern)
Part 1 Balance and Rotation
(Fins on)
100m (50) 6-3-6 out > Swim Back
200m (100) Javelin Alternate Sides Paddle on one hand)
300m (150) Broken Arrow out > Swim Back
Middle Section
(Fins off)
400m (200) Swim at CSS 0, hold the beep for 200m, beat the beep for the third 100m, keep ahead of the beep for the last 100m)
Advanced: Repeat above after 1 beeps rest
Part 2 – Holding body position and engaging proper catch & Pull
(Pull Buoy)
300m (150) Paddles Swim (freestyler or Agility)
200m (100) Bands & Pull buoy Swim (use a band around the ankles with your pull buy)
100m (50) Bands Only (as above but no pull buoy) You will really need to engage good posture
Dessert (optional)
8 x 25m (6x25m) Deep water starts. Sight every 2nd breath (low in the water, crocodile eyes)
20 seconds rest between sets, for added benefit take your rest in a flat scull position (i.e. your feet should not be put down between the first 25 and the last at any point.
Cool Down
200m Very easy own choice swim, scull etc