Distance to Sprint, test all your skills and mental endurance
For this weeks swim set you will need to know your CSS time, we published a set to enable you to get this a few weeks ago.
This is actually an extract from our 90minute Sunday Squad set. It starts us off on a fairly easy CSS+6 seconds, which means we added 6 seconds per 100m to our BASE CSS time (for a 25m pool you would add 0.25 on mode 1 for every 1 seconds per 100m. We start with a 400m swim and then reduce the time and distance as we go until we get too our CSS pace itself.
After this we push ourselves even further by adding in some sprints, leaving the tempo trainer at CSS pace but this is only for reference. Although you’re likely to be tired this pace should be very easy to beat through ALL of the sprints.
Rest period is 20 seconds on all sets, this includes the time to change your tempo trainer settings each set. Enjoy!
Warm Up
We will not specify a warm up for this set, you can either go straight in as you would experience in a race as the first effort should be fairly easy. Our Sunday squad performed a mix of technique based drills and swims in this section.
Main Set
All FC swim, pay attention to whether you need to stay with the beep or beat the beep.
400m @ CSS+6 – STAY
350m @ CSS+5 – STAY
300m @CSS+4 – BEAT IT
250m@CSS+3 – STAY
200m @CSS+2 – STAY
100m @CSS – BEAT IT
100m @ CSS Pull body and Paddles (optional paddles)
100m Easy Swim
Leave Tempo Trainer set to CSS pace for all of the below, this is for REFERENCE ONLY, you should be easily beating the tempo trainer on EVERY SINGLE LENGTH.
2 x 25m PFQ FC Swim
2 x 25m PFQ Pull Bouy Swim
2 x 25m PFQ from a Deep Water Start Position
A few lengths of easy swim and drills, our squad performed some open water skills and mixed speed swims in this part of the set
Enjoy 🙂
Please let me have any feedback at Jason@Southwestswim.co.uk