Swim Set 10-04-2017

This weeks Swim set looks to work your pacing and endurance, making you feel the difference between a slower, maybe easy swim, and a faster effort.  We build from a nice easy base with longer rest into a the longer distances with shorter rest periods.  When you start...

Swim Set 13-03-2017

This weeks swim is going to focus on some key drill repeats to get your catch and pull mechanics toned up. For this weeks set we are only going to use four very focused key drills, alongside some repeated swims. You will need your pull buoys and fins at the ready,...

Swim Set 06-03-2017

This week we are swimming what we call a pyramid set, starting with a short distance and building up to longer swims, and then back down again.  This set is very simple, not much to remember as it is the same both sides of the pyramid.  At the height of the pyramid...