This I-Swam set is called ‘Oh So Simple’. Don’t be fooled by its appearance, swam properly at the various speeds it is a beast of a set that will test both your mental and physical state. Physically, the short bursts of speed and low rest will give you that ‘short sharp shock’ feeling which is much needed after the christmas layoff. Mentally, focusing on the aspects of your catch with the scull positions and ensuring correct form throughout will make you think about the feel for the water and movement patterns.
Print it off, take it to the pool and give it a go. Let me know what you think at
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Oh So Simple Pyramid Set
So simple, just how hard can it be? Adjust distances as needed if you are new to the set (Swim 50’s instead of 100’s). Full set = 2.7km
Warm Up
250m Front Crawl with optional Backstroke every 3rd length
Straight into Main Set
We want to focus on our alignment in this part of the stroke, swimming proud and driving your middle finger down the pool, breathe with rotation and not a turn of the neck, nice still head position.
5 Seconds rest between each set ONLY
100m Moderate Paced FC (70% effort)
100m Moderate Paced FC (70% effort)
100m Fast paced FC (85% effort)
100m PFQ paced FC (90% effort) – PFQ = Pretty Flippin Quick
100m PFFQ Paced FC (100% all out effort)
Take 1 min – 2 min recovery, drink and refuel
Main Part 2
Use Pull Buoy between thighs
10 seconds rest between sets to refocus
100m Scull 1 out, Return FC
100m Scull 2 out, Return FC
100m Scull 1 Out, Doggy Paddle return
100m Easy Focused FC (50% effort)
Take 1 mins to rest and refocus
You are now half way, at the top of your pyramid! Now return back up the page in order i.e. you will start with the Easy Focused FC, then Scull 1 out, doggy paddle etc and return up the page section by section. See below for variations to use in Main sets part 3 and 4.
Amend Main Part 3 with – Pull buy between ankles (ideally using a Finis Axis Buoy) – note: if yo feel you are gripping the pullbouy too much it could be affecting your swim, return to using the buoy between thighs.
Amend Main Part 4 with – Optional Pull Buoy and Paddle use. Don’t make each set the same though, variety is key.
Cool down – same as the warm up, make it nice and relaxed and easy, throwing in some own choice stroke if desired.